This was a student project by Joel Burke for Gabe Esquivel's ARCH 441 course, Autumn 2006. The project began as an investigation into the visual qualities of initial ice studies. From these experiments techniques were created in order to replicate certain inherent qualities within the ice. These techniques lead to themes that drove the creation of an urban high-rise within the context of the city of Columbus. Architectural realization became inherent and investigations into building techniques gave rise to a use of layering to begin to give densities within the building, dividing program and utilizing color. The overall project took on the visual appearance of ice while still creating unique architectural spaces. -- Joel Burke This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present. Keywords: student work, KSA, drawings and plans.
Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives Collection